GIEICOM Dec 3, 2017 10:30:15 PM 6 min read

Why is Pop Up Wheel technology necessary in your Distribution Center?

3 pop up wheel-1.jpgThis article would be entirely about Pop Up Wheel technology and all the benefits that brings to the Distribution Centers:  How is Pop Up Wheel sortation system constituted?


It is constituted by a single belt along its entire length. Thanks to its design, different deviations or drivers can be inserted for deviating the product by means of a simultaneous drive that raises and rotates the direction of the boxes so the product can exit the equipment.

Each driver is constituted by two or three rows of belt-driven wheels, that operate when the products is inducted to an exit. It is very important to have motorized “Take Away" exits so that products come out correctly.


The design of this equipment allows double-sided exits by placing a position inductor at the entrance of the sorter, which ensures an accurate deviation. In addition, it has an automatic tensioner that allows the belt not to lose tightness; therefore is low-maintenance equipment.

Among the products that can be handled by this sorter are: totes and boxes, provided that they have a rigid surface.

What industries can implement the Pop Up Wheel?

This sortation system can be implemented in the following industries:

  • Retail.
  • .Shoes.
  • Food and Beverage.
  • Auto parts and as addition to the plastic-container type.

Don’t forget that in order to achieve the maximum benefit of this automated tool, it is essential to perform a previous analysis, which will determine the amount of shipments required, with what capacity, in what time span are needed; as well as the dimensions in both length and width of the products handled, and of course, the maximum number of recommended exits

Do not let crisis affect your business and that the lack of technological factors jeopardize the quality of your products, take advantage of new business opportunities by upgrading your working center.

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