GIEICOM Apr 28, 2016 12:33:37 PM 7 min read

Indicators that you need an automatic material warehouse

automatic_material_warehouse.pngTo have an optimized automatic warehouse will spare you of endless issues, disarray, and errors in which you probably invest plenty of time and out-of-budget expenses. 

This issue presents 4 indicators that you need an automatic warehouse for material handling, storage, and management. Furthermore, we will review the best storage alternative for aerospace or automotive industries, but that are also suitable for a wide range of applications.


No material tracking

When lacking product tracking capabilities, you usually spend too much time to find them, which in turn alters and delays operations control. This severely impacts subsequent processes and deliveries to the final customer.

Additionally, it increases costs and reduces quality due to errors, such as assorting parts that are similar in appearance, but drastically different in features. 

No traceability

When no product traceability exists, operational risks are increased. This severely impacts all processes. For instance:

Imagine that a turbine just suffered a severe malfunction due to a bolt that was incorrectly supplied, and it is therefore necessary to identify the batch from which such bolt came from, the process underwent, and the routes that designated its use. At this point, you are now aware that, if failing to implement the right measures, consequences can prove critical and exponencial.

Another example would be a pharmaceutical application, where an error was determined when assorting “batch X”, and so it is necessary to identify the reason for withdrawal of such product from the market. The fact that such product has a greater traceability proves essential; tools such as the Shuttle and combined software will become your best allies.

Product Losses

Not having updated information can incur in severe product losses. This occurs mainly whenever the materials have a certain shelf life, or must remain under special care conditions. Another factor to keep in mind is SKU management by operators. The use of automated systems minimizes contact and preserves product care.

Lack of Space

Dealing with problems such as lack of space is one of the main headaches suffered by warehouse administrators, since the first solution devised is always to physically expand the material warehouse or the plant, thus deepening into civil construction issues, electrical issues, legal issues and, of course, having to provide an available area, which is not always possible. However, failing to resolve this puts the operation in general and productivity at stake.

With aerospace and automotive industries, where SKUs range from bolts and screws to casts and line and assembly componentes (high economic value), the best choice will be a Shuttle VLM.

A Shuttle VLM plays with the product density. It is an intelligent system that operates through the use of reception and delivery trays. It automatically detects product heights and densities to calculate in which tray and vertical should it be stored. Additionally, the Shuttle VLM includes its own stock control software.

It is a sophisticated, precise, and useful tool for handling, managing, and storing inventories and orders. It also handles security tools, such as passwords, so that only the authorized staff may access certain trays or SKUs. Furthermore, it provides an internal weight control system to provide certainty for all parties involved.


We recommend avoiding old and inefficient storage and management methods, which will eventually put you in a crisis with your customers. Our specialized team has more than 30 years of experience implementing automatic storage solutions, which will provide your company with internal peace of mind, and invaluable prestige and reliability with your customers. 

Share with us all issues faced by your company and we will solve them together. Contact GIEICOM.

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