GIEICOM Apr 28, 2016 11:36:40 AM 6 min read

Inside the Warehouse…Better equipment = greater productivity?

productivity_equipment.pngIt is important that all areas of automatic storage have work priorities focused on product control, and the certainty of knowing how many parts are available (inventory).

For many industries, such as aviation and electronics, management and traceability of each part is also essential.


The aviation industry has product quality and follow-up controls, from manufacture to implementation at any given system. This way, if any issue occurs, such may be quickly identified. Automatic systems provide control, traceability, and accuracy in product assortment.

The electronics industry often handles tiny parts, where an SKU is is visually highly similar to others. To maintain control of each part, handle restocking of production lines, and saving time for the operators, various solutions are implemented, guided by Pick Laster and Pick to Light.


The Miniload works through a plastic container with subdivisions. Whenever an operator fulfills an order, the latter grabs the products from the container, and then returns the container to the Miniload. Each action is recorded with the use of a radio frequency gun, which scans the product or batch bar code. This system may be configured to record by SKU, FIFO, serial number, batch, etc.


The Shuttle is an element that supports parts with the use of trays. Such trays classify the products with the use of efficient software, which immediately records the product height and density, assigning a better location for each product inside the machine.

Trays may have an antistatic layer so that no voltage is generated and electronic parts are not damaged. They may storage both small and large items, supporting weights from 250kg to one ton; and may be classified by high, medium, or low rotation. 

Vertical / Horizontal Carousel

The vertical carousel can reach up to 11 meters, while the horizontal carousel can contain up to 116 carriers. The main advantage of these solutions is that they provide a better assortment capacity between each requested product. Products of different weights may be handled, as well as products that are difficult to store, especially in horizontal carousels.


Keep in mind that, in order to define the automation equipment of each industry, you must first clearly identify what is to be achieved with the process; that is, analyzing your areas of opportunity and assessing whether the benefits will increase compared to the current operation; remember to also find different concepts that justify such investment.

GIEICOM depends into an assessment of your operations to offer you the best alternative that provides certainty and security in service. Get in touch with us, we will be happy to assist you.

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