GIEICOM Feb 6, 2020 11:00:00 AM 4 min read

Reverse logistics, an indispensable tool in e-Commerce

Blog 1 (blog web) (1)Currently, e-Commerce has required companies to use more efficient distribution and assortment solutions focused on very low turnover products with many SKUs.

In this way, one of the main goals of any e-Commerce is to offer a good shopping experience and find suitable solutions for any operation that is required in the most economical way possible.


Thus, there are two important aspects: what is inside the Distribution Center and what companies use to deliver the product to the final customer as carriers and parcel delivery companies.

Within the Distribution Center there are the necessary tools, for example, automation controlled by the WMS or WES. Those automation are able to enrich the processes and correlate them with the central management system. Its functions are to improve the processes themselves and also enrich the intelligent dynamics of the distribution center.


All this makes e-Commerce a trigger for the growth of these types of companies and technologies such as automation.

In addition to this, when requesting all products within the e-Commerce, there are returns for different issues. This implies that the reverse logistics process can be as high as having a specialized area, since the return of products continues to be a task to improve within the e-Commerce industry.


This specialized area of ​​reverse logistics for the distribution center, mainly is responsible for carrying out processes of how to make the receipt of the product through software to make the restock of the product and place it back in the precise stand with the help of technologies such as the put to position, put to stock or pick to light; Similarly, draw systems can be used depending on the operational variables that are being used.


All these technologies aim to simplify operations within the Distribution Center so that it is possible to receive this extra quantity of product that can increase according to the timing, offers that are generated at a specific time or on holidays.


In GIEicom we have the best technology and knowledge necessary to provide you with the appropriate solutions to the demands of your market. Contact us and know the best technologies that will help you automate your operations and position your company at a high level.
