GIEICOM Sep 27, 2016 12:22:42 PM 5 min read

In which way conveyors and sorters will speed operations at distribution centers?


In distribution centers, conveyors and sorters can be used for different processes and areas, for example: reception, storage or assortment areas.

Now, we are going to analyze the benefits and functions of conveyors:

1.- Cross docking

There are other processes such as Cross docking, in which conveyors and sorters are also used in reception and shipping areas.

Usually, these kinds of solutions are implemented in retail stores because it is essential that products shall be at the warehouse as short as possible in order to generate higher productivity and quick inventory rotation as well as a fast investment recovery.

Remember, if you have speed processes and your products reach displays soon it will result in less expenses, effective service and fast investment recovery.

 2.- Orders’ assortment

Conveyors and sortation systems are also part of assortment solutions, such as Pick to Belt, Pick to Light and Pick to Voice, for spending the process.

Each solution prepares the order by placing the products in conveyors so these can transport them to shipping area. Automation and functionality of conveyors help operators to avoid long distances and save time in their activities.

3.- Returns area

With a pre-established conveyor system, returns area is faster with the appropriate connection with reprocessing areas or in the event that changes are made through conveyors.

All these alternatives are controlled by WCS software in distribution centers. This software offers an intelligent product management because it organizes and controls operations by means of barcode readers.

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