GIEICOM Dec 27, 2018 10:00:00 AM 4 min read

Karolina Pulido brings technology innovation conference at AMTI

KAROLINA_GIEICOMThe main partners of the Mexican Association of Intermodal Transport (AMTI), witnessed the conference "Revolution 4.0 and its impact on logistics business", given by Karolina Pulido, CEO of GIEICOM.

We will share the highlights of the conference, which undoubtedly motivated entrepreneurs to innovate and automate their business processes:

  • The main industries of auto parts, textile, food and beverages, even the government itself, use Big Data to optimize their resources and achieve greater productivity in their processes.
  • Collaborative Robotics is the interaction between humans and robots. The drones (robots) are in the last phase of evaluation to make home deliveries. Currently, drones are already used in Distribution Centers to account for
  • Google is developing robots with neural systems, currently have the ability to learn and teach other robots. The results are excellent news, because in a short time a robot will make better decisions than a human, it will think for itself and facilitate the daily life of people.
  • The Internet of Things is the interconnection of all devices so that they think for themselves. For example, appliances are going to make the orders of the pantry, the washing machines will decide when it is optimal to start with a load of washing. These processes will allow human beings to have more quality
  • 3D printing or additive manufacturing allows 90% productivity in production, is 100% sustainable and lowers the overall costs of
  • In the economic sphere, there are also changes that have begun to stand out, for example, Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the new payment system, which works with a 100% digital currency. Its most important advantage is that the network that forms it does not allow fraud and the transactions are completely

It allows that all the years of effort and dedication that you have dedicated to your company continue to pay off, know more in detail the benefits of automating and being part of the most important sociocultural change.

We invite you to talk with our engineering team, who will give you a virtual simulation of what you would gain in productivity and time, with 100% automated work processes. Contact us!

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