GIEICOM Jul 27, 2020 1:24:47 PM 5 min read

Learn about the impact that automated material storage has on the productivity of your plant

Automated Storage-2-2


If you are looking for a storage solution that optimizes your spaces, minimizes product losses, allows you to keep precise inventory control and avoids line stoppages, automated storage systems are your best option!

Whether you use them in the raw material warehouse, the finished product warehouse, or in-process storage, automated storage systems offer many benefits within a manufacturing plant.

Let's analyze each one according to each type of warehouse!


  • Raw material warehouse


Inside a raw material warehouse, what allows automated storage is to stock the pieces in a timely manner and to know at all times the quantity of products that are available to carry out a suitable refill.


For this, the automatic storage solutions are integrated with specialized software such as the WCS (Warehouse Control System); which allows to control all the variables that are required in this type of warehouses (security controls, storage conditions FIFO, LIFO, etc.).


In this way, automatic storage prevents line stops due to lack of inventory or product losses..


  • Warehouse of products in process


In this type of warehouse, automatic storage supports the creation of accumulation buffers so that processes are synchronized throughout the entire production line, providing punctual control in real time, and again minimizing any potential shutdown.


In plastics injection manufacturing industries, this is especially useful since automated storage systems allow curing processes to be executed in a timely manner to direct them to the next process.

  • Finished product warehouse


Because assembly plants work with very stringent policies where products have to be at the exact moment that they are required within assembly lines, automated warehousing solutions are perfect for ensuring effective finished product handling through of small buffers that control when and in which order each product should come out.


This is how automated storage systems boost the productivity of manufacturing plants, streamlining their times and minimizing losses in production lines.


Want to learn more about all that automated storage solutions we have to offer? Get up close with the experts!


At G.I.Eicom we have more than 35 years of experience designing and implementing the best intralogistics automation solutions.


Let us help you find the best solution according to your needs! Contact us!
