GIEICOM Jan 23, 2020 12:00:00 PM 3 min read

Maximize your available areas with automated storage solutions


Within warehouses, whether parts or raw materials, usually for the automotive or electronics industry, the number of parts they handle are many. For this, the most common solution for this type of needs is to have shelves with many totes, but it tends to waste a lot of volume.

This is why is sought is to provide automatic storage solutions that allow flexibility in terms of space to be automatically adjusted to the location you require, giving the necessary dynamism that suits the best location.

Automated warehouses provide you with space savings, presenting as a very versatile solution in terms of growth since they take advantage of height, save space and get more flexibility in terms of dynamic positions. 

This is how automated storage systems allow you to reduce operating costs, as well as storage, coupled with the trend of "Good to Person" solutions. These solutions are responsible for bringing the product closer to the operator, which drastically minimizes waiting times and distances traveled.


Its different benefits:


  • Facilitate the assortment with the variability of items by order, as well as reverse logistics activities.
  • Makes this activity more efficient to achieve greater profitability improves processes and increases performance.
  • Gives you the possibility of having a controlled, secure access for: electronic components, sample processing and many others.
  • Optimization of storage areas taking full advantage of the qualities of storage space.
  • Dramatically increase the response speed for your customers.


The software gives you the possibility to control these positions exactly inside the warehouse. This can have interfaces with the ERP within the plant and it is possible to obtain information from the product inventory and control the management of the same automatically.

In G.I.Eicom we have the best solutions to take advantage of the space you have, don't wait any longer and contact us.



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