GIEICOM Jun 20, 2024 11:49:46 AM 8 min read

The choice of your automatic warehouse depends on a detailed analysis

Almacén Automático

Choosing an automated warehouse is a critical process that must be approached with a detailed and exhaustive analysis. This decision has a significant impact on the operational efficiency and profitability of companies, so it is essential to carefully evaluate the specific needs and requirements before making a final decision.

Although there are various types of automatic warehouses, not all of them are suitable for the handling of products or operations and therefore, the choice must be based on a prior analysis, taking the specific considerations and characteristics of the products or materials to be handled, as well as the dynamics of the operation.

If you are also considering integrating an automatic storage system, this article will be the guide that will direct you to the correct choice of your automatic warehouse.
Make sure you determine which is the best option for you!

Don´t forget the 3 main premises that you should take into account:

  • The productive performance you need
  • The growth or scalability you hope to achieve in your operation.
  • The characteristics of the products or materials to be handled



How to choose an Automatic Warehouse according to the operation needs?

The main needs of a company when looking for the integration of an automatic warehouse focus mainly on reducing costs and saving space, since the implementation of an automatic warehouse system, also known as AS/RS, allows saving up to 85% of the available floor space. These systems increase density, allowing the recovered space to be reallocated to other activities, in addition to helping to generate more income from SKUs under flexible modules.

Automatic storage systems are designed to maximize warehouse capacity and optimize merchandise collection and distribution processes.

To have a correct selection, it is important to carry out a prior analysis and personalized advice of the current operation, with the objective of having more certainty and success in the proposal and integration of the automatic warehouse, as well as an infrastructure and planning that includes various stages that guarantee the compliance with the expected success criteria, in addition to providing complete training and safety to operators.

Let´s start by listing this methodology in the selection of an automatic warehouse:

1. Analyze the volume and variety of products that will be stored. This will help determine both the size and capacity needed to meet your storage requirements. Additionally, it is essential to evaluate the frequency and flow of products in and out, as well as rotation or expiration requirements.

An automatic warehouse can be designed with different characteristics and sizes, from ambient or
temperature-controlled systems to underground systems or those exposed to the elements. Therefore, a detailed evaluation of multiple variables is required to determine the appropriate solution and guarantee a successful implementatio.

2. Identify the types of automatic storage that you can integrate to make the most of all storage
capacity, making it scalable, dynamic and efficient.

3. We must ensure that the warehouse system is compatible with all current operating systems. The correct integration of equipment with ERP or WMS systems simultaneously offers the resolution of problems that give control to orders by 99.9%.

Discover which automatic warehouse is for your Distribution Center


G.I.Eicom, innovation and cutting-edge technology in Automatic Warehouse Systems

As you can see, choosing an automatic warehouse is not a decision that can be made lightly, since the previous analysis will guarantee traceability and inventory control to have certainty in the operation.

At G.I.Eicom we have expert specialists in providing high intelligent storage density, as well as total control through our own software, with tools that guarantee instant visibility and tracking.
The integration of our equipment has the unique automatic storage system, and we are supported by hundreds of success stories worldwide. We modernize and optimize your current systems, with personalized assistance and advice depending on the type of need. Contact us and enhance your operation!