GIEICOM Mar 9, 2021 2:00:00 AM 5 min read

What applications do cobots have in my production plant?




If you are looking to implement new technologies that allow you to evolve to industry 4.0, expanding your production lines flexibly and quickly under a framework of complete operational safety, in this blog we will talk about one of the most important robotic technologies today … The cobots!

Cobots are collaborative robotic arms that, thanks to their sophisticated security mechanisms, have positioned themselves as one of the most widely used robotic technologies in multiple industries, especially in those related to perishable items and personal hygiene.

Therefore, today we will focus on talking about two applications that cobots have within these industries, which are complementary to end-of-line solutions.

  • Packing

Cobots have turned out to be a very useful tool to carry out the process of packing products that are in a bulk state, in boxes or some logistic unit; providing maximum quality in the packaging, as well as a high degree of productivity and control.

With cobots, you can have full certainty that the products will be packed in the right conditions and in the right weights, so that all the hygiene and safety control measures that the applicable regulations require of you are met, which is an extremely important factor in these times of pandemic.

  • Palletizing

Once the products are directed to the palletizing section, the cobots perform this function, providing repeatability, productivity and adaptability to the different palletizing patterns or standards that are in your production plant.

Like the previous process, cobots also guarantee complete hygiene and safety in the handling of products during this stage, thus ensuring the delivery of the finished product pallets with the expected quality standard.

With these and other applications, you can make your production plant a highly remarkable plant in terms of competitiveness, efficiency, and productivity.

The evolution time is today!

At G.I.Eicom we want to help you incorporate the best latest generation technologies that optimize the intralogistics automation of your production or manufacturing plant.

With more than 35 years of experience, we are the leading company in intelligent intralogistics and material handling solutions. Contact us and let us know how we can support you!

