GIEICOM Jun 18, 2024 10:41:58 AM 8 min read

Guide to achieve high control of finished product


When we talk about finished product control, we know that these are complex processes, whether in a plant, production, assembly, warehouse or within a Distribution Center.


All companies (large, medium and small) require an efficient process that allows them to satisfy demand, especially within the food and beverage, personal care and packaging sector, since these industries handle high flows of products. During these processes, it is verified that the products meet the previously established requirements and specifications, with the aim of sending them to the warehouse and packaging area.

In this article we present a Guide to achieve high control of the finished product, which guarantees thesatisfaction of your customers and the success of your company. Take note!


The relevance of processes that allow the control of finished products

1. One of the main stages of finished product quality control is efficient visual inspection. During this phase, products are examined for possible defects in appearance, such as damage or dents.

For this, it is important to have trained personnel who can quickly identify any irregularity and take appropriate measures.
We invite you to consider the following points in each of the processes involved, heading towards a line of efficiency.

  • Inspection during reception and stowage of finished products.
  • Proper handling before, during and after dispatch of finished products.

2. To guarantee that your finished product has adequate handling throughout all the processes within your plant, it is essential to rely on automation technologies.

These will help optimize transportation from one point to another, preventing at all times contact with the ground or other contaminated surfaces that may affect it.

Correct packaging of finished products streamlines and improves storage, use and handling, providing protection and providing reuse value for the customer.

What automation technologies are essential for handling finished products?

1. Conveyors Systems: Conveyors help achieve ideal material handling, since these equipment
transfer and/or accumulate products with considerable flows.



2. Automatic Storage AS-RS: The implementation of automated systems (AS/RS) allows storage
areas to be maximized. These systems store everything from individual SKUs, small to medium-sized light merchandise, to heavier materials such as pallets or materials with special dimensions. These technologies are integrated with specialized warehouse management software (WMS, WES or WCS).

Within the range of products for automatic storage there is a highly productive tool: the Miniload. This solution can be tailored to each client, allowing for uniform totes and boxes to be stored.


3. Sorters: Sorters or classifiers are a special type of solution that combines transportation, diversion mechanisms, controls and software, thus allowing medium and high flows of products to be classified under different criteria according to the needs of the client´s processes.


4. Automatic Palletizing: When seeking correct control in product handling, automatic palletizing is one of the most complete technologies, since among its many benefits are:

  • Greater efficiency
  • Speed
  • Organization and reduction of errors, as well as work accidents

Control de producto terminado


These systems are used when production line rates are high and when precision is required.

At G.I.Eicom* we have more than 38 years of experience providing an intralogistics automation service, with the highest technology that allows our clients to achieve maximum productivity.
Contact us, adding value to your business will be part of our objective, through a comprehensive intralogistics design that will take you to the commercial to.