GIEICOM Jun 20, 2024 11:15:43 AM 8 min read

Vertical Lift Module: Security in temporary storage of semi-finished and finished products


Operational safety is not an “optional” addition; it currently represents peace of mind in terms of ergonomics, quality of life for operators, and approach to healthy production processes.
It is well known that a Plant Manager must always stay one step ahead with robust solutions, optimizing their daily operations to increase their production and quality simultaneously, with the objective of fully meeting competitive ranges and customer satisfaction.

Nowadays, corporations can benefit from the implementation of robust automated storage systems, such as the Vertical Lift Module (VLM), which not only allows you to optimize and make these tasks more efficient, but also saves space with an ergonomic design and its system. Highly specific control system helps you safeguard the pieces in an infallible way.

If you are looking for optimal solutions that offer you certainty in the storage of your finished product, take note of the benefits that the Vertical Lift Module offers you.


What is an Automatic Storage Vertical Lift Module and how does it help finished product processes?

The Vertical Lift Module is an enclosed vertical storage system that uses moving trays controlled by advanced software to store and retrieve semi-finished or finished products. It allows efficient processes, increasing productivity by delivering the material directly to an operator.

This process is executed through software that receives orders from the equipment through manual commands, either from an operator typed directly on the equipment display or through the connection it may have with ERP or WMS systems.

As we previously mentioned, a closed vertical storage system will help you maximize space savings and increase your productivity, as well as fill orders and manage inventories automatically. Thanks to its vertical design, you obtain savings of up to 80% in the useful area, as well as productivity increases of up to 60%, with time savings in traveling and searching for the products to be recovered, as well as greater security in temporary storage. of products. Its advanced software guarantees controlled management of users and the trays to which they may or may not have access.

Vertical Lift Module systems help you save up to 85% of the floor space previously used with conventional shelving or racking, which helps free up area for reallocation to productive operations


Among its most important advantages are:

  • High storage density.
  • Exceptional ergonomics and safety.
  • Easy usability.
  • Increases the number of cycles per hour.
  • Allows you to store small, high-value items such as manufacturing molds or spare parts.
  • Thanks to its stable movement, it allows you to better handle delicate products.
  • Better inventory control is maintained.

    Temporary storage in finished product

According to AVEVA, fluctuations in demand, raw material shortages and logistical problems can significantly affect production.

The integration of a Vertical Lift Module system helps optimize the way in which finished products are stored, since it determines which of our operators can enter and control the collection of the items, in order to continue with the storage process.


But how does a Vertical Lift Module system work?

He Vertical Lift Module is a self-contained system in which shelves are stored vertically on both sides of the appliance.

  • It has an extractor in the middle that, by means of a button or reading the barcode, automatically transports the shelves with the stored merchandise to the access opening.
  • Saves 85% space. Its modular design allows it to be adapted to any height at any time before and after assembly. It even allows you to modify the number of access openings.
  • The integration of Optiflex technology allows each shelf to be automatically read, which assigns the ideal storage location for products in 25 millimeter intervals.

At G.I.Eicom we have the most advanced technologies on the market, with a team of highly trained and certified engineers. Contact us! and implement the comprehensive solutions that your company requires.