GIEICOM May 21, 2024 12:53:56 PM 8 min read

How to identify if I need to strengthen my manufacturing line


As we have mentioned in previous articles, the manufacturing industry in Mexico is getting a boost thanks to Nearshoring, which is attracting investments from various countries. An example of this impulse is the arrival of more than 20 Japanese companies to national territory, according to the Japanese Foreign Trade Organization, which not only helps to enhance the national industry, but also improves the country´s productivity and competitiveness.

It is also true that no one tells us that it is not only about attracting investment, but also essential to maintain quality and innovation to be competitive according to the sector's offer, starting with the evaluation of production processes, to strengthen them and encourage continuous improvement.

Today we will share with you the most relevant matters to identify if your manufacturing line requires strengthening.


Key points to strengthen the manufacturing line

Let´s start by mentioning that there are different standards to have good manufacturing practices (GMP), which focus on guaranteeing that manufacturing products have the desired quality standards, but to strengthen and improve manufacturing processes, it is not required. only have BPM, but it is also necessary to evaluate several aspects of your production process. Among the main processes we must evaluate:

  • Process Efficiency. One of the main factors to evaluate is the efficiency of the manufacturing line. We must identify key points:
    Are you producing at maximum capacity?
    Are you producing consistently?
    Are there bottlenecks and downtime?

  • Product Quality. The quality of the product must be analyzed, and the following questions answered:
    Are you experiencing an increase in defects or non-conforming products?
    Is the percentage of products that do not meet quality standards being reached?

    This could indicate problems on the production line.

  • Production Costs. Nowadays, competition in the sector forces us to improve productivity and reduce production costs. However, if you notice a significant increase in costs and without it being proportional to production, it could indicate problems that need to be addressed.

  • Production Capacity. This is essential to identify if the manufacturing line has the capacity to handle current and future demand. If you are experiencing setbacks in fulfilling orders, it may be necessary to expand or improve the line. This point is crucial to be able to cope with changes in demand and be competitive.

Don´t forget that being limited in production will prevent growth and attraction of new customers.

  • Obsolete Technology. Evaluating the efficiency of technological equipment will help identify if updates or new integrations are required. Updating machinery and manufacturing technologies can significantly improve efficiency and quality, coupled with the fact that maintaining innovation and flexibility offers new opportunities, avoiding lagging processes.

  • Automation. Process automation will help improve productivity. Consider automation for repetitive and time-consuming tasks. This increases efficiency and reduces errors.

  • Line Flexibility. As we have seen, the demand for new products or adapting products to new regulations or demands is something that can happen from one day to the next. Therefore, you should consider evaluating the flexibility of your production line to adapt to changes in demand or the introduction of new products. Flexible assembly lines for uncertain supply chains.

    Get closer to the experts and raise the quality of your manufacturing line

Carrying out an exhaustive evaluation of the aforementioned aspects will provide you with valuable information to determine if it is necessary to strengthen the manufacturing line, for this reason it is important to approach experts who will help you identify how to strengthen the manufacturing line.
We know that making changes to the manufacturing line can be challenging, even at first it generates uncertainty, however, with a strategic design and integration your current operation will not be harmed. At G.I.Eicom we have a highly specialized team that will help you design and implement the improvements that
the production line requires, helping you achieve flexible, lean and productive processes.