GIEICOM Jan 12, 2016 2:31:59 PM 10 min read

5 Innovative technologies for production lines

innovative-technologies-production-lines.pngThere are various technologies that effectively help the final process of production lines. The innovative solutions to optimize space help to control production lines, avoiding accidents and losses in addition to improving quality management product.

Here we present to you effective innovative technologies to the end of your production line as follows:

1.- Conveyors

We can conceive the conveyors as the arteries of a factory. Through these, flows raw materials, intermediate processes or finished products; functions ranging from one point to another (from the end line and then will also be carried to storage).

These conveyors are as varied as the same products that are handled. They have evolved and now provide the same transfer function, but with benefits that previously could not be; they can combine several lines into one, also order their own mass flow to conform it online, including acting as a classifier. In addition, solutions for sanitary environments that meet the FDA requirements are supplied. All of it coupled to a PLC (Programmable Logic Control), a host computer and applications that provide competitive advantages for your production line.

2.- Sorters

The sorters are classifiers that divert product or SKUs to the dockside, an action that greatly increases productivity rates to the production line

Depending on product characteristics such as size and rate, it will be determined what type of classifier is right for your processes, because every material requires special treatment.

The sorter that is the most used is the Shoe sorter, but if your industry is focused on logistics, considers the options Tilt tray and Cross belt.

3.- Automatic palletizing

The automatic palletizing gives us better care and control in product handling. Among its many benefits are: greater efficiency, speed, organization and reduction of errors and labor accidents.

This operation is very useful for generating pallets, either boxes, bags, sacks, sacs, tubs, buckets, etc.

We can also find the palletizing in various classifications:

  1. Dedicated to a single line: a type of product they handle.
  2. Multi-lines: a palletizer for different lines (4 to 5 simultaneously) depending on the rate used for palletizing. The palletizers are usually designed for a low range of references, as are dedicated to more repetitive tasks and of high flow.
  3. Robotic palletizing: helps build pallets even being several production lines of medium rate. This classification is slower, but the diversity of product is much higher. Often they help to classify pallets, assorted orders being through a production line, they are very effective and reliable.

These robots use a device or vision sensors that enable robotic hands carefully take the products and order them according to a preset sequence.

4.- AGV’s

The automated guided vehicles (AGVs), provide support since the beginning, middle and end of the line. Their biggest advantage is that it does not require fixed equipment, that is to say, they generate product flow without the need for stable infrastructure.

These tools reduce errors because automation governs the entire process. They are controlled under a WCS software module, same that manages the flow of vehicles recording the interaction and actions of each vehicle.

The WCS renders them an intelligent implement, because it determines which vehicle is the best and closest to the area where required. It also controls the traffic and manages pending tasks; among many other functions.

The AGVs can help in the shift and various operations in both low weights as low-level platform, from unloading trucks, the process, as far as the loading of trucks.

5.- AS-RS automatic storage

If you have the finished product but you do not have enough space to put it together on pallets, the best option is a high stowage store: a Uniload automated warehouse (30 to 40 meters of height). This tool, also called Stacker helps us to manage very large pallets or loads.

If your company is expanding and you do not have space, you have two options: invest in a new factory hall or implement and optimize an AS-RS, which in this case, in addition to solving the problem of space, you generate a valuable area by allowing proper stock management and automatic supply at pallet level.

You'll have more storage capacity, more productivity, more control of your stock instantly, the array is increased and accidents are minimized. The system is coordinated with your WMS and directed from our WCS.

Remember that each implementation must be justified. Investing in innovative technologies must be profitable, however, you must create a balance and analyzing the variables that will generate a quick return on your investment. Consider incidents as quality, availability, debugging, visibility, productivity, among others.

In GIEICOM we focus our efforts on providing the latest technology to make your organization more productive and competitive. If you want that one of our consultants provide you free, advice, contact us here.

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