GIEICOM Jul 26, 2016 11:36:02 AM 5 min read

A very successful case of implementation of automated warehouses

almacenes_automatizados-1.pngVolvo Truck Center is the main Volvo’s truck repair center. This shop has about 16 lines for providing service to all of its clients.

Support and maintenance services are its core business, providing the best solutions with the most sophisticated technology.

For this reason, logistics of spare parts represent a high value within its operations for both new and used trucks. 

What kind of problems did Volvo Truck Center have?

The company was reporting a very good growth and they needed extra space for administrative offices.

This shop stored all spare parts in two-story racks. Small parts were located at the bottom and big parts at the top. 

What the solution was?

Thanks to our detailed analysis and the engineering support of the German company, the best solution was identified.

A Megamat RS 350 Vertical Carrouselwas suggested for small parts; in the other hand a Shuttle XP was selected for big parts. After implementing these solutions, 630 sq. meters were reduced up to 17 sq. meters.

This process is controlled by Pro Lager system which has a predefined interface towards the Volvo GDS software (Global Dealer System). 

    Solution’s benefits

  • 100% safety Access due to Pick to Light.
  • 99.9% of accuracy
  • Storage of the same quantity of products with a significant reduction of floor space; providing more room for the offices.

Solutions’ technical features

Megamat RS 350: W x D x H: 3.475 X 1.671 X 6.810 mm,  with a total of 480 racks in 190 sq. meters of storage space and 18 cubic meters of storage volume. Storage capacity of 1.740 containers and 7.700 locations.

 Kardex Shuttle XP 500: W x D x H : 3.050 x 864 x 6.950 mm, with 44 trays for up to 265kg and 10 trays for up to 460kg in 141 sq. meters of storage space. Matrix TIC location indicator. ProLager professional software with GDS interface. 

As Volvo Truck Center, you can also obtain great benefits by implementing automated warehouses that increase your productivity. Do not jeopardize your investment and your operations’ safety.

Contact the GIEICOM expert team for a detailed analysis of your company and they will give you the best operative solution for you.

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